
howdy everybody! I have a surprise...Everbleeding might have a new demo coming out soon!! i say might because itsnot for sure yet. but we now have the capability to record stuff ourselves so we might as well do it. what else..what else....hmm nothin. So yea, tell ur friends about Everbleeding and www.everbleeding.tk . Although considering how long weve been a band, all of your friends should already know about us. jerk. anyway, until next time. lat0r.


Screw everbleeding.com!!! we got everbleeding.tk baby!! Free stuff rules and ill take .tk for free over .com for $40 any day! So yea in case you're a little slow, that means you can quit typing https://shrapmetal.tripod.com/juicyturd/crap/slash/dot/com , and instead just type www.everbleeding.tk . yes, life is good.
I'm also working on cleaning up our mess of a site and deleting all the stuff we no longer need. "But Will, why?" you might be axkin. WELL!! Im trying to widdle down the file size of a .zip file with the OLD everbleeding demo that has 8 songs, coming from three different everbleeding recording, to make it fit on our 'no disk space' hosting plan. Thats right, work from 3 demos, all in one package...and you're going to able to get it free. You guys owe us, we give away everything for free. Anyway i may have to crap on the quality of the old demo to make it fit but hey, who cares about quality? Tell your friends that www.everbleeding.tk is back!!!...or..here!!


Well the rumors are true! Guitarist Brian Ward has left the band. It was basically a mutual decision to which the details of which we will not get into here. Anyway, he is no longer playing with us so we are back to our single guitar selves.

The show with Dying fetus was awesome, thanks to everybody who came to see us, everybody seemed to like our music and it was a lot of fun. In other news: someday wew ill get www.everbleeding.com back....someday....


So this is the new site layout for the time being, hope you all like it. I was getting a lot of complaint with the old site about people not being able to view it because of flash problems or frames and all sorts of stuff so this layout is a little more simple and i think it looks pretty good. Anyway, check out the shows page for the upcoming shows if you didnt notice the ads right over there -->>. The music page has no music on it right now because im having problems uploading mp3's, but it should be all better soon. tootles!


Whats up everybody! Everbleeding has been hard at work (kind of) in preparation for the upcoming shows. See the shows page for deatils about where and when we are playing. We are planning on having some demos to give away and T-shirts for sale while supplies last so...get some! shirts are $5. I also am aware of the everbleeding.com domain name issues but dont worry it will all be fixed soon, and for half of you if you are reading this, its already fixed. For future reference, the address of this site is actually http://shrapmetal.tripod.com, but www.everbleeding.com forwards you here and is way cooler, so you can usually use that. Anyway, come out to the shows and say whats up and have a good time, werd.


Adam just got back from Greece! yay! dillinger is playing next wednesday which rules. Everbleeding is ready to get back on track and start playing more since adam is home so thats good news. other than that nothing out of the ordinary, just thought the site needed an update.

Fetid Entrails


Everbleeding's new demo was recently reviewed in Metal Side web mag from Poland. Here's what they had to say...

"Everbleeding 2"
Georgia's band is young and talented. They deserve to gain recognition on a large scale as their music is interesting, well composed and played with conviction. One can call Everbleeding's style death-core. Brutal vocals are essential death metal element. In one of the tracks you will hear clean singing but fortunately these few words don't soften the material. Deep, aggressive voice fits perfectly to riffing. Compositions are mid-paced with occasional blast beats. They are first of all intense and aggressive. It can be interesting material for fans of Burnt by the Sun and Mastodom, so the bands that blend hard-core, metal-core, death metal and other styles, creating heavy and violent metal fusion. Everbleeding is a good choice also for fans of NY's death metal, represented by Internal Bleeding and Pyrexia. The good thing is that Everbleeding has fresh ideas and knows how to blend different influences. If their music was one-sided, it wouldn't be so interesting. Many ideas surprise for they are unique and unexpected when you listen to this demo first time. Everbleeding's music quickly transforms from rhythmic and heavy into fast and a bit chaotic when we hear even jazz influences, but intensity is still the same. I am very curious how the band will progress on the future materials. I would be glad if they didn't change the style but simply tried to improve it, making it even more intense and violent. No matter what they will do in the future, CD from 2003 will remain the proof that they have big talent..

Everbleeding will also have an interview done in Metal Side soon. Also, we have finally gotten around to having a lot of practice with Brian (our new second guitarist) and everything is going great. Lat0r


What's going on everybody? Well, its December so the year is allllmost over. Its a time to look back at what you have accomplished over the course of the year. "What has Everbleeding done this year?" you might be axkin yourself. well, this year Everbleeding played with Dying Fetus, Into Eternity, Kataklysm and some other people. We played a bunch of local shows including a particular metal fest that was blown way out of proportion because everybody said Nonpoint was going to play it...but of course they didnt. We got a new second guitarist and we released an incredibly badass CD. what did you do this year? BEEEIITCH!!!interesting....anyway im very much involved in a web mag me and some friends started called FetiD EntrailS, check it out its full of great reviews on metal and games and has a forum to join. have fun. lat0r.


The new Everbleeding CD is FINALLY OUT! The CD is apropriately entitled "Everbleeding 2". E-mail us your name and address and we will send you a copy as soon as possible. since we are broke, they are PERSONALLY burned by the band ourselves! lucky you! also, we have an awesome desktop logo for all of you to download. click here to download it. just right click the image and either save it or set it as your background. Its an awesome logo.


!!!Everbleedings new CD: Nov. 15th!!!
27 - 7, Falcons win HAAEELLLL YEA!


Everbleeding has recently enlisted a second guitarist to add to Everbleeding's pummeling assault. Guitarist Brian Ward brings Everbleeding not only his unique style but his astonishing talent and ability to help write new music with Everbleeding that is unparalleled by any band on the planet. I swear. Anyway although all the original music is done on the new EP we are going back to the studio to add the new guitar parts and then mix and it will be done. The Demo will probably be done by...2004. I gay-ron-tee.


Tripod has done it again! screwed up our site that is! yes we are poor so no were not going to pay for hosting AND a domain name. It was one or the other and we chose a domain name. well unfortunately that left us still using tripod, which has somehow bypassed the comments on our pages and got an ad up. Hurray for assholes that put ads on our pages, makes the site look pro, as usual. Anyway the demo is nearing completion. It could have been done by the end of August but Brian decided hes too much of a rockstarD to be given a schedule of when to record, so he did as he usually does; he lied about his throat hurting so he could have another week to practice. In other news power outages have caused gas prices to soar and piss people off, especially people with no job im assuming. In even more news its labor day so go waste some money on hotdogs and potato chips and watch a football game...and then realize you still have to go to work tomorrow. yep, better luck next weekend. so long!


Finally after months of preparation and long nights at Waffle House, the date is set. Recording of the second Everbleeding EP, which sounds more important than demo, will begin Saturday, August 9th. The drum tracks will most likely be completed on the 9th and the 'EP' should be complete by the end of them month. No promises. All joking aside, when you hear the new stuff, Everbleeding WILL BE your favorite metal band.


Howdy hooo everybody. News time. Ok we really are recording in August i swear. Things keep getting postponed because...i dont know why. But they do. So at any rate recording should begin in August. All the songs are completely done and awesome. Im pretty sure everybody is going to be EXTATIC over the new stuff. A lot of you have probably already heard/seen a lot of it live so you know what I'm talking about. In other news everbleeding is playing once...TWICE again at the masquerade at the metalfest on July 19th and another show with local act Shoot the Messenger and some other bands on the 24th. Hope everybody got to see the Chimaira show on the 9th it was bodacious. lat0r


Metal UK
Everbleeding All there is we know about this band is their incredable stage presence, Heavy riffs and extreemly brutal in their own way.. Their not from the UK , but im sure the metal heads of UK will love EVERBLEEDING.. From the USA in Atlanta Georgia... consist of 4 http://www.everbleeding.com

i figure since nobody really reads the news anyway Everbleeding would bask in its own glory of yet another rave review..or..just this one.


Well hello everybody. There's really no news right now, just updating so you guys dont think were done with. We'll be putting the final touches on the songs we plan on recording in the next few days and then its off to the studio. Hopefully things will run smoothly. Other than that no news. Keep hope alive! lat0r fewl.


So here we are, i just realized its been forever since the last update. So lets see...whats new...
Well Everbleeding will soon be going into the studio to record a new demo. Most likely it will have 3 songs that most of you have never heard. Really good stuff, we're excited about it. We'll probably be in the studio by mid-June. Also expect some shows to start popping up soon. Other than that there's not too much news. Sorry the demos havn't gotten to you people that asked for them yet, they will soon..hopefully. lat0r


It finally happened! over 10,000 hits to Everbleeding.com. who would have thought a small metal band from atlanta could get 10,000 hits on their website. Well, i woulda. I knew it would come everntually. Anyway...so Everbleeding has practice this weekend! no show though. dont worry. they are coming soon.


WHATS up everybody?! no we're not dead yet. Summer is just around the corner and Everbleeding will be playing a lot of shows. Hopefully we'll be able to make it around to a good portion of GA and some other parts of the SE. Brian finally got an ok paying job so everybody congratulate him when you see him. other than that not much news, just letting everybody know we are still around. Until soon...Lator


Its NEWS TIME!!!yea buddy...So we got some flyers up, go check them out. Then print some up and pass them out.

We got some demos burned so whoever wants one for FREE, yep they are free, email us your name and address, and make title of the email free demo, or demo, or something. Or you can just get a demo and shirt (shirts are $5 though, i know, expensive) at a show. No worries though, the demos are free no matter where you get one. You moochers. Everbleeding also might be playing the last Living Sacfrifice show in GA with Bruce (LS singer) before he quits the band. We should know weather we are on or not in the next few days. later!


EVEN MORE NEWS!! Theres a new section called 'street team' on the site that will be up and running soon. Since we are too poor and arent signed we dont have a 'real' street team, so heres the deal. If you a)like our band b)like everbleeding or c)you're just really cool then help promote us!!! The page will have flyers and whatever else that you can print out/get to give out to people and make us popular. And...you'll feel good about representing EVERBLEEDING!! and if you wont feel good, do it anyway! thanks a lot for supporting us...if you do. also, Everbleeding could possibly be playing some big shows soon so be on the lookout. later people.


MORE NEWS!!! Merry v-day to people. So yea. Theres not really any new news. The demo is still gonna come out..someday. This is not news. yea...bye.


NEWS!!! EVERBLEEDING is planning to release their 2nd demo. entitled 'Rebirth of a sinner, Rebirth of a killer' in summer 2003. Thats THIS SUMMER!! Be ready.